The Limeliters – Take My True Love by the Hand (Chords)
Two songs from the closing stages of Breaking Bad this week. Starting off with The Limeliters’ Take My True Love by the Hand from the dung beetle scene in Ozymandias.
It’s a simple song. Just four chords repeated. But you do need to capo at the first fret if you want to play along with the original.
Suggested Strumming
For the F and F7 do this once each:
d – d u
And for the rest of the chords do this once each:
d – d u – u d u
Together they sound like this:
Twiddly Bits
The guitar does a lick at the end of each chord progression. Here are a couple of ideas you can use on the uke. Again, use a capo at the first fret when you’re playing along with the original.
Here’s how that sounds along with the chords.
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