The Uke Hunt iPad app launched on Monday. And it’s been doing well. Over 500 downloads by the end of Wednesday.
I’ve been getting plenty of feedback on it (a big thanks to all those people). Here are the main questions I’ve been getting. I’ll keep this updated with any other FAQs I get.
There’s also a guide to using it here.
Will there be an Android app?
No, there are no plans for one.
Visitors to the site using iOS way out number my visitors from Android. They also stay longer and read more pages.
Plus the iOS was a big financial stretch for me. So it’s unlikely there’ll be an Android app any time in the foreseeable future.
Can I move the ebooks I’ve already bought into the app?
Sorry, it’s not possible to do that. But you can move them from your computer into iBooks on the iPad. Apple has a guide to transferring PDFs here.
It crashed. What do I do?
Argh! Sorry about that. There does seem to be a problem with some iPad Minis. We’re looking into that (I say “we”, someone who knows what they’re doing is looking into it). Hopefully it’ll be fixed in the first update.
If you find it crashing I’d really appreciate it if you leave a comment, send me a message or Tweet me @UkeHunt letting me know what you were doing at the time, which iPad you have and which iOS version.
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