The Smiths – Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want (Tab)
I’ve written up a few Smiths songs in the past but there aren’t many Smiths songs that translate smoothly to the ukulele. This one is a rare exception. It’s a strumalong with some nice, jazzy chords.
Plus it’s been on a bunch of movie and TV soundtracks so people are bound to know it.
Suggested Strumming
It’s in 6/8 time so this strum should see you all the way through the song:
d – d u d –
When there are quicker chord changes just change half way through this pattern.
Twiddly Bits
Please, Please, Please (Outro Tab)
The song finishes up with a tremolo picked mandolin solo. You can do the same on ukulele if you like but I’ve gone with just picking each note once.
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