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Tiny Tim – Tiptoe Through the Tulips (Tab)

Tiny Tim – Tiptoe Through the Tulips (Tab)

Tiny Tim – Tiptoe Through the Tulips (Tab)

I was very snooty about Tiny Tim back in the day. But, now my brain has gone soft in old age, I’ve developed a fondness for him. The more the ukulele world has become populated with people with good hair and nice teeth the more I appreciate him making the ukulele an instrument for weirdos and outcasts.

So the latest stop in my Jazz Odyssey is the song famous by Tiny Tim with his deeply unsettling ukulele version.

And there’s lots to love about this song. I particularly enjoy the chromatic rise of the chords in the chorus. I’ve tried to emphasise that in the arrangement. The intro and the solo are almost all notes in the chords plus chromatic notes leading into or out of a chord. I’d encourage to have a play around and insert some of your own ideas in those.


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