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Friday Links: RIP Fred Kamaka, State Archives and Scots

Friday Links: RIP Fred Kamaka, State Archives and Scots

Fred Kamaka Sr has has died at the age of 98. Fred and his brother, Sam Kamaka Jr, took over running Kamaka Ukuleles from their father in the 1950s and have made Kamaka one of the most respected names in the ukulele world. He and his brother became he most recent inductees in the Ukulele Hall of Fame in 2012.

Sean Yacavone of Ukulele Friend talks about recording his historic ukuleles for the Hawai’i State Archives

Hamza Yousaf (First Minister of Scotland) joins the often regrettable list of politicians to pick up the ukulele.


A massive thanks to all Uke Hunt’s Patreon backers for keeping the site up and running this month. And double thanks go to these legendary patrons of the arts:

– Arthur Foley
– BigHempin
– Colleen Petticrew
– Dennis Boutsikaris
– Elizabeth Beardsley
– Ivo
– Jameson Gagnepain
– Jeff K
– Jon Kenniston
– Kelby Green
– Leia-lee Doran
– Lisa Johnson
– Loreena Humbert
– Mary
– Michael Lufkin
– Monika Kolodziejczyk
– Moses Kamai
– Nevylle Carroll
– Pat Weikle
– Pauline LeBlanc
– Robert
– Thorsten Neff
– Tina Knight
– Virtual Performing Arts Academy

If you join Patreon at the Concert level or higher, you’ll get access to all previous exclusive tabs including July’s: Amy Winehouse’s Valerie

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