Plenty of ukes at NAMM to salivate over but the one that’s got me warming up the credit card is aNueNue’s harp ukulele (designed with Pete Howlett). I got in touch with Johnson from aNueNue for more details:
Tenor Size/Scale
Canadian Sitka Spruce
Khaya Mahogany
Sub-bass side with Pegheds Machinehead
Included a Hardshell caseI have not yet calculate the cost, Price wise I don’t know, it maybe in the USD$900-1000 retail range. They are in production in about 4-6 months.
Hello Kitty ukulele only $1,500. Lucky for us, it’s free to read the description:
Sanrio × [korabo] of VOX becomes in the sound hole and it becomes the ukulele of the specifications not collected valuable and 100 limited in the designed fan…
It plays and ringing improves further it is made of HEADWAY and making and the real thing and the sound are making the first class as musical instruments from the real thing by a crowded thing.
The ‘Ukulele: A Portuguese Gift to Hawaii. I’d love to read that book. But perhaps not at that price.
Celtanowoodworks have been putting out a number of strange ukuleles but this Roc-Em-Soc-Em Robolele is the first to catch my attention.
Photo: Girls and ukulele.
Welcome back. You were missed.
Most of “The ‘Ukulele: A Portuguese Gift to Hawaii” consists of photos — there’s not a lot of text. It does give a peek at a few instruments in the rarely seen Leslie Nunes collection, however.