Friday Links: Terror in the Sky

Someone decided it would be a good idea to hand out ukuleles on flight to Hawaii and give everyone a ukulele lesson leading to headlines like “Terror In the Sky!” and “Why the Hague Exists”. Although, with the amount of cheap publicity this got, the furore might have been the goal from the start.

Choan Galvez has a new set of original tabs for low-G uke: May the Low 4th.

Terry Thomas and Liberace duet.

Window Shopping
Stroviols Soprano the uke with a horn.
– Two from Lichty: Mahogany Steel String Baritone and Archtop Tenor U177.
Mya Moe resonator.


A massive thanks to all Uke Hunt’s Patreon backers for keeping the site up and running this month. And double thanks go to these legendary patrons of the arts:

– Arthur Foley
– Colleen Petticrew
– Dan
– Dennis Boutsikaris
– Elizabeth Beardsley
– Ivo
– Jameson Gagnepain
– Jeff K
– Jon Kenniston
– Kelby Green
– Kie77
– Lisa Johnson
– Monika Kolodziejczyk
– Moses Kamai
– Nevylle Carroll
– Nick Parsons
– Olga deSanctis
– Pat Weikle
– Pauline LeBlanc
– Robert
– T S
– Thorsten Neff

If you join Patreon at the Concert level or higher, you’ll get access to all previous exclusive tabs including September’s: Classical Gas by Mason Williams.

The Beatles – Oh! Darling (Tabs)

The Beatles – Oh! Darling (Tab)

It was a nice surprise to see Paul McCartney playing Oh! Darling live for the first time at the Taylor Hawkins memorial. It’s a nice blend of early-era R&B Beatles in the verses and the harder-edged, bluesier later Beatles in the chorus.


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Petula Clark – Downtown (Tabs)

Petula Clark – Downtown (Tabs)

I was surprised to learn this song was written by Tony Hatch. Who is best known to me for writing the theme tunes to Neighbours, Emmerdale Farm and Crossroads.

I was inspired to tab this one when it cropped up in Girl, Interrupted and I immediately lost interest in the movie and started working it out. This arrangement is based on the Petula Clark version. Although the Groundskeeper Willie version is definitive.


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What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor? (Tabs)

What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor? (Tab)

I recorded the video for this ages ago and never got around to posting it. But International Talk Like a Pirate Day seems like a good occasion to get it up at last.

This arrangement of Drunken Sailor includes one of my favourite tricks: playing the same note on multiple strings. The first bar has consecutive A notes on the g, E and A strings. Followed in bar two by consecutive G notes on the g, C and E strings.


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UkeTube: Tune-Yards, Paula Fuga, Moon Berries

Watch on YouTube

Tune-Yards – nowhere man
Irie Love, Paula Fuga, Mike Love & More – Your House
Moon Berries – Same Mistakes
Duo Travessia – Danca da solidão
KimaMusic – Silence Is Also An Answer
domands – Just Once
tinyumbrellas – Please Don’t Make This Weird
dodie – Hot Mess

Joan Jett – Bad Reputation (Tabs)

Joan Jett – Bad Reputation (Tab)

I first heard Joan Jett & the Blackhearts’ Bad Reputation as the Freaks and Geeks theme.It’s a very straightforward punk song that’s ideal for just bashing out.

I’m using strumming the whole way through this. Including using strum blocking to strum the individual notes. You can pick these notes if you prefer, but you lose some of the energy and aggression of the strums.


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Jim Croce – Time in a Bottle (Tabs)

Jim Croce – Time in a Bottle (Tab)

Jim Croce is an artist that past me by. He never get much attention in the UK. But after Time in a Bottle was a popular request on Patreon and it’s given me an appreciation of the song.

Intro: With this song, the more impressive sounding parts are easier to play and the less impressive sounding parts are more a challenge.

Despite how it sounds, the intro is fairly easy. Just make sure you’re fretting the A-string, 4th fret in bar 5 with your middle finger. Everything else falls into place.

Verse: This is the part I found to be more of a challenge. Bars 9-12 feel cramped with the descending chromatic line on the C-string and the melody on the A-string.

Things go back to being simple and effective in bars 14-16 with a walking bass line set against the melody.

Chorus: A change from F minor to F major for the jaunty chorus. Some fun sliding around in this section.

Outro: Closing out with some artificial harmonics to emulate the original. Made even more tricky than usual as you’ll probably have to estimate where the 20th fret would be. If you’re struggling, you can just play these without the harmonics and it’ll sound great.

And don’t be a moron like me, fret the C- and E-strings with your middle and index fingers respectively for an easier stretch.


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Friday Links

Beau Hannam adds an understated whammy bar to a uke.

Debut album from the ukulele duo Moon Berries aka Charlotte Pelgen and Sage Harrington.

Returning a ukulele to the shop 100 years after it was bought there. (Plus a tour of Leeds and a quick history of Kumalae.)

Belfast ukulele flash mob.

Window Shopping
Pelem tamarind wood guitarlele
Double Neck Ortega Hydra. And in case two necks isn’t enough for you.
– The nutso-shaped Enya E5.


A massive thanks to all Uke Hunt’s Patreon backers for keeping the site up and running this month. And double thanks go to these legendary patrons of the arts:

– Arthur Foley
– Colleen Petticrew
– Dan
– Dennis Boutsikaris
– Elizabeth Beardsley
– Jameson Gagnepain
– Jeff K
– Jon Kenniston
– Kelby Green
– Kie77
– Lisa Johnson
– Monika Kolodziejczyk
– Moses Kamai
– Nick Parsons
– Pat Weikle
– Pauline LeBlanc
– Robert
– T S
– Thorsten Neff

If you join Patreon at the Concert level or higher, you’ll get access to all previous exclusive tabs including July’s: Paul Simon’s Call Me Al.

The Weeknd – Blinding Lights (Tabs)

The Weeknd – Blinding Lights (Tab)

Here’s a tab for one of the catchiest songs of the last few years: The Weeknd’s Blinding Lights

It’s not a song you’d immediately associate with the ukulele, but it works out pretty well. The big challenge is the speed. For my version, I slowed it down slightly from the original. But it’s still difficult at this speed. I think you could go slower and get away with it.

There are plenty of percussive elements in the arrangements. Lots of chnks, lots of muted notes and I’m plucking harder than usual and giving the strings a bit of snap.


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Radiohead – Creep (Tabs)

Radiohead – Creep (Tab)

Even though Radiohead have disavowed Creep, it’s still a classic song with ubiquitous 90s quiet-loud-quiet-loud dynamics.

Intro: Starting off with a fingerpicking played with one-finger-per-string picking.

Verse: Mixing together the melody with the fingerpicked chords before switching to strums for the ck-ck bits leading into the chorus.

Bridge: Easily the funnest bit of the song to play. It gets a bit cramped at the top of the uke, though, so it requires a bit of careful fretting.

Outro: Just a stripped down version of the verse.


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