Archive for the ‘Links’ Category

Friday Links: KoAloha Prototypes, Intros and Chord Z

New Releases – Excellent instrumental record from Uke Hunt favourite Choan Galvez. Your €4 gets you not only the ten tracks but also tabs of every tune. – New record from Taimane: Elemental. – Indie-pop ukulele from Gentle Brontosaurus. Learning – Latest ukulele book from Lil Rev: Intros, Endings & Turnarounds for Ukulele. – The […]

Friday Links: Jimi Hendrix, History of the Machete

There’s long been a story floating around that Jimi Hendrix started playing music on a one-string ukulele. Now Jimi’s brother has gone into a bit more detail. Herman Vandecauter has been collecting information on the machete and related instruments (the Madeiran forebears of the ukulele). Two books for community focused ukulelists: one for teaching and […]

Friday Links: A String Quartet, Space Robot and Cthulhu

Lovely new album from British folkies and occasional ukers Ninebarrow: The Waters and the Wild. Videos – Mass Appeal’s short documentary on Einer Bankz and how he collaborated with your favourite rapper. – Premiere of Andy Eastwood’s piece for ukulele and string quartet. – Helen Arney sings about the space robot Philae. Helen is also […]

Uke Hunt is Eleven

It’s Uke Hunt’s eleventh birthday this week. According to WebMD 11 year olds, “will likely be eating and sleeping more. He may complain of muscle cramps and growing pains. Some boys also start to get oily skin, peach fuzz on their upper lip”. Devastatingly accurate once again. Here’s a round-up of the goings-on of the […]

Friday Links: RIP Ukulele Ray

Very sad news this week that Ukulele Ray has died. He was a long-time champion of the ukulele, a fixture in the community and the pioneer of lunchbox ukuleles. Two exceptionally good records out this week: Zoë Bestel’s Transience and Ukulele Sketch Book from Craig Robertson. Highly recommend giving them both a listen. The eighth […]

Friday Links: Effective Practicing, Banjo Tunes, Vintage Strings

Manitoba Hal has some great advice on effective practicing. Jonathan Lewis has a new tab ebook of minstrel banjo tunes arranged for ukulele. It’s 17 tabs for $7. Check out his recent guest tab for a flavour of it. Friends of Mike Hind are raising funds to help with medical bills after a collapsed lung. […]

Friday Links: Peter Moon, What Type of Ukulele Player are You?

Ukulelist and Hawaiian Music Hall of Famer Peter Moon has died. I highly recommend checking out his playing on Pua Lilia with his band The Sunday Manoa. Videos – What type of ukulele player are you? – Melania Trump ukes a lament on Colbert. – Rob Bourassa talks to luthier Gary Zimnicki about his Martin […]

Friday Links: Stretching Exercises, Grateful Dead and Background Radiation

The documentary Street Punk! Banda Aceh is now free on YouTube. It follows Indonesian punk band Marjinal who are living under Sharia Law while protesting the system, sheltering young homeless kids and teaching them ukulele. Banjo wizard Clifton Hicks shares some hand stretching exercises he uses to prevent injury. And be sure to give his […]

Friday Links: eBay Shenanigans

Something very suspicious is going on with the eBay seller jp-cultures. They have a large range of very impressive ukuleles for sale. But some of their listings seem to be identical to listings by other sellers. They only have 17 feedback (despite having nearly 6000 instruments for sale) but their positive feedback seems to be […]

Valentine’s Day Tabs and Chords

Happy St Valentine’s Day to all you lovebirds. Here’s a selection of tabs and chords of love songs I’ve done over the years which you can croon to your boo while everyone around you vomits from the gooiness of it all. If you’re not one of those people you can console yourself with the (much […]

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