Indiana Jones Theme (Tab)
Before we get down to business, James Hill’s new website/ezine Ukulele, Yes! is up and running. I still haven’t managed to successfully sign up for the ezine itself, but it looks like it’s all online anyway. A bunch of good stuff in the first issue including an interview with Peter Luongo, , an arrangement of Rattle on the Stovepipe (splatters and squiggles only) and an article by John Kavanagh about me (there might be something about Ragtime in there as well).
With the new Indiana Jones film coming out and a couple of requests for it, I thought I’d take a stab at arranging it for the uke. To be honest, I didn’t think it would work on the uke. I’ve been trying to do a decent arrangement of Star Wars for the uke but haven’t come up with anything good enough. The Indiana Jones theme is similarly epic, John Williams stuff. But, with a bit of jumping around and finger twisting, it works pretty well. Make sure you let as many notes ring into each other as you can to get a extra sound out of it.
There’s a simplified version of this tab here
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