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Wilfried Welti’s Ukulele Tabs

Wilfried Welti’s Ukulele Tabs

Solo Ukulele für Einsteiger (PDF)

I’ve long been a fan of Wilfried Welti‘s arrangements of classical tunes for the ukulele. He brings a classical guitar like tone and clarity to it.

So I was very pleased that he’s allowing to spread round his tab book Solo Ukulele für Einsteiger. He insists I tell you it’s not finished, but seems pretty fantastic as it is to me.

The book contains a number of classical tunes along with folk songs from Germany and the rest of the world (such as Scarborough Fare, Kean O’Hara and Aloha Oe). You can hear a number of tunes from the book on his YouTube Channel.

Wilfried does also have a rather low-key physical book and CD of more arrangements for sale: Alte Musik mit der Ukulele. Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to get your hands on. You can buy if from Wilfried at one of his performances or by reading up on it at the Deutscher Ukulelenclub. Hopefully, he be willing to make it more widely available because it’s also excellent.

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