Archive for 2010

Olof Arnalds, Meursault: UkeTube

A rare occurrence this week: three videos from the same person. You may as well just visit Lila Burns’s channel this week rather than reading the post because I’ve also nicked two of the videos from her favourites. One of them is Ólöf Arnalds for whom I’m stretching the rules (she plays charango). When you […]

Ken Timms, Shrine: Ukulele Window Shopping

Unusually, it’s a rather unshowy and understated ukulele that’s got me interested. A Ken Timms Martin Style 0 copy. Looks great and sounds lovely too. On the more showy side is a Black Bear Lyon & Healy 5K Shrine copy. A couple of bobby-dazzler banjo ukuleles on eBay UK: Crown Ludwig, Gibson UB-2.

Friday Links

So transferring the site turned out to be something of a disaster. If you emailed me on Tuesday/Wednesday (including about the podcast) there’s a good chance I didn’t get your email. So I’m not blanking you, just email again. Some comments are currently missing – I’m trying to recover them. And if you missed it […]

Charlie Chaplin – This Is My Song (Chords)

Charlie Chaplin/Alvin Okami – This Is My Song (Chords) I’ve made a pact with myself that I’m going to buy a tenor KoAloha Sceptre at the next available opportunity. I don’t care how ridiculous they are, or how little I need or deserve another uke. Of course, I make that pact and the next Sceptre […]

Uke Hunt Podcast

In a further attempt to spread my tentacles over the internet (I said tentacles) and rake in the payola, next month is going to see the launch of the Uke Hunt podcast. Obviously no one wants to hear my surly grunting, so at the helm will be Bossarocker. It’d be great to have loads of […]

The Sweeney Theme (Tab)

The Sweeney Theme (Tab) I’m not sure if I should admit I’ve never seen an episode of The Sweeney. I know the show invented the ‘I don’t play by the rules’ cop show but it’s such a cliche now it’s hard to watch. Unless they just go hilariously over the top as Luther did. Anyway, […]

Bess Rogers, Darren Hanlon: UkeTube

While I’m spending the weekend rocking out at Download (METAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!), you pansies can enjoy some la-di-da ukulele music including Bess Rogers, another ukulele playing ninja and a song about rain from, official International City of Rain 1987-2008, Manchester..

Mid-East, Sam Chang: Ukulele Window Shopping

Mid-East‘s range of folk-instrument inspired ukuleles have shown up on eBay. Currently there are the Baroq-ulele, Balalaika ukulele and lute ukulele. No sign yet of the sitar-kulele which is slated for later this year. A couple of Sam Chang ukuleles up right now. Don’t see them very often. I’m all for using videos and soundfiles […]

Ukuleles on TV, World Cup Ukes: Friday Links

You can now pay for the How to Play Ukulele ebooks by credit card without all the PayPal hassles. Due to very, very popular demand (which I have a great deal of sympathy with). I’ve tested it and it should be fine, but if you encounter any problems just let me know. In another bit […]

Blur – Jets (Tab)

Why did no one tell me Blur had a ukulele song? If you answered, “Because no one listened to Think Tank,” correct answer. Take ten internet points. I think it’s obvious from this track that Damon Albarn was happier making Gorillaz records than Blur records. The track has a strong ‘on finding the studio ukulele’ […]

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