As wonderful as they are, there’s no doubt that mahogany and koa are not environmentally concious choices. Bamboo on the other hand is “one of the most eco-friendly building materials there is”. So it’s heartening to see a trend for bamboo ukuleles. Cordoba have been on board for a while. Tall Grass have one. Kiwaya are putting their name to the Bamboo Paulele. And Pono unveiled one at NAMM.
But I’m afraid I’m not convinced. Ukeeku has a review of the Paulele (good to see smell catching on as a judging criteria). The sound seems very wimpy to me – here’s a quick demo. Plus it has to overcome the burden of being as barren and featureless as Jennifer Aniston’s film career.
How on earth is the asking price for the numberplate M9 UKE £1,350? Even if it is ‘FORMERLY CELEBRITY OWNED’. I suppose that’s reasonable given that bidding on the apparently meaningless YLP 729 has passed £600. Perhaps there are more American expats with the initials YLP born on the 29th July than I think.
Pictures: Ukes and harp guitar, I don’t usually care about signatures but I did squee a little over a signed photo of Roy Smeck.
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