Daniel Johnston/Eels – Living Life (Chords)
There was a time in my life when I counted Before Sunrise as my favourite film. Which at least proves I wasn’t always the empty husk of a man I am today. If anyone asks why, I insist it’s because it was the first time I heard a Daniel Johnston song.
The original version is pretty complex and in the uke-unfriendly key of E. So I’ve gone with the Eels version of the song for this arrangement.
Suggested Strumming
You can use this as the main strum for the verses:
d – d – d u d u
And this once for each chord in the chorus:
d u d u
Twiddly Bits
I’ve adapted the intro in the Kathy McCarty version for this intro:
Daniel Johnston Version
Eels Version
Kathy McCarty Version
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