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The Beatles – Honey Pie (Chords and Tab)

The Beatles – Honey Pie (Chords and Tab)

The Beatles – Honey Pie (Chords)

It’s the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ White Album this month. So I thought I’d completely trash my no-Beatles rule with a week of songs from that era. Starting with the 1920s pastiche of Honey Pie that was made to played on uke.

The intro is a typical piece of genius. I’ve tried to capture the spirit of it without over-complicating it in the chord chart. But there’s a tab version below with all the twiddly bits.

Suggested Strumming

You can use this as a main strum:

d – d – d u d u

Intro: One down-strum per chord.

Chorus and Outro: Two of the main strum on the G. Then one for every chord after that until the Eb7 – D7 at the end. There split the strum into two so you’re playing d-d- on the Eb and dudu on the D7.

Verse and Solo: Same as the chorus including splitting the final bar between F# and F. Speaking of which, if you’re struggling with the quick switch to F# you can just slide the G chord down a fret and mute the g-string with your thumb.

Bridge: Main strum on everything until the D7 at the end. The do du-u to match the “tee tee tee”s.

Twiddly Bits

No 20s pastiche would be complete without a solo, meandering, minor section at the beginning.

Apparently this little solo was played by John. Which explains why it’s not as clean an precise as most of George’s solos. But it does pack in some nice ideas.


Buy it on iTunes
More Beatles tabs and chords

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