Christmas Ukulele: Winter Wonderland (Chords)

Winter Wonderland (Chords)(PDF)

Another Christmas song with no reference to Christmas in it but I loved the version by keonepax with Bosko and Honey I had to write it up.

In the chord chart I’ve shown the chord inversions that keonepax is playing, but it’s great to mix them up with other inversions. Here are a few possibilities.

In the solo Bosko is using quite a few sixths:

And finishes of with a cool little variation on the Hawaiian turnaround. Here’s my take on the same idea:


keonepax’s YouTube Page
Bosko and Honey

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  1. Nelson December 11th, 2008 10:33 pm

    I’m gonna play this at the restaurant I do music at.
    We’re not supposed to do christmas songs but hey…this is a WINTER song, take that jewish boss!

  2. Chris December 12th, 2008 3:28 am

    I like the secular “Christmas” songs. I can appreciate the sentiment of the Christmas season without believing in anyone’s particular theological safety blanket. Anyway let’s get real it’s a celebration of the winter solstice and i think we can all agree the winter solstice rules…nothing but longer days ahead after all (sorry southern hemisphereer’s).

    That said i don’t think i’ve ever heard that first bit of this song.

    Anyway thanks for the seasonally appropriate songs they’ll be fun with the fam!


  3. Woodshed December 14th, 2008 8:08 am

    Nelson: Hope it goes down well.

    Chris: Yeah, I don’t remember hearing the first part before, either. It’s a shame because it sets the song up very nicely.

  4. Clark November 15th, 2012 10:17 pm

    Please do an instrumental version for this song! This is like the coolest sounding thing on ukulele.

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