The Avett Brothers – I and Love and You (Chords)
Saying, “I love you,” might be hard but saying, “I love this song certainly isn’t.” Makes for a pretty easy transfer from piano to ukulele as well – which isn’t always the case.
Suggested Strumming
A good main strumming pattern would be:
d – d u
In the verses and choruses use that twice for D, once for G, four times for D. That sounds like this:
You can do just a down strum for the Bm and A at the end of the verse before heading back to the main pattern for G. Watch out for the end of verse 4. There you add a down strum for G and back to the main strum on D.
In the bridge section, do the main strum once for each chord.
Then the tricky bit. Play just single notes for the ones in brackets (so that’s E-string open then E-string at the second fret) then you’re back to G for a down strum. It’s a bit tricky to play the usual G chord. I prefer to use a barre across the second fret (which you can put in place to play the F#). Or you could just play a single G note. After that, two down strums on A.
All together that goes like this:
Twiddly Bits
You can recreate the piano part on uke fairly convincingly with this picking:
Use your thumb on the C, index on the E and middle on the A. Which sounds like this:
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