My Favourite Tabs for Valentine’s and St Skeletor’s Day

I spend most of my time here posting angry, cynical songs. But I do occassionally deal with matters of the heart. So for Valentine’s Day, here’s a rundown of some of some of my favourite love song tabs. And for those of you celebrating St Skeletor’s Day on the 15th, there are some songs of rejection, scorn and infidelity for you to play between pushing couples holding hands into a puddles.

Valentine’s Day

The Beach Boys – God Only Knows

Definitely the best love song ever written and a strong contender for greatest song of all time.

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The tab

Tom Waits – Johnsburg, Illinois

Written by Tom Waits for his wife Kathleen Brennan who did grow up in Johnsburg, Illinois. Such a simple and beautiful song.

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The tab

The Temptations – My Girl

I’m not usually a fan of songs that are this sweet but this has an irresistible melody. And David Ruffin’s voice is buttery.

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The tab

Mama Cass – Dream a Little Dream of Me

You can’t have love without at least a tinge of sadness.

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The tab

Dolly Parton – I Will Always Love You

If you asked 100 people to name a love song, I guarantee this would be top answer.

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The tab

The Zombies – This Will Be Our Year

I listen to this one every year. And it never is our year but there’s always hope.

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The tab

St Skeletor’s Day

R.E.M. – Losing My Religion

Losing My Religion cropped up my favourite movie of last year, Aftersun, in an excruciating karaoke scene. Pro tip: when selecting a karaoke song, don’t go for one with an outro that’s just one note over and over at a crawling tempo.

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The tab

alt-J – Fitzpleasure

This has to be the nastiest song I’ve ever covered. I can’t believed they played this on the radio.

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The tab

Nirvana – Heart-Shaped Box

You could make an argument for this being a twisted Valentine song. But I think its violent images of obsessive love make it a good one for St Skeletor’s Day.

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The tab

Hank Williams – I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry

A good contender for the most pathetic song of all time.

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The tab

Lizzo – Truth Hurts

Lizzo is leaning a bit too far into the positivity stuff these days for my taste. I prefer her songs that have a bit more “fuck you” mixed in with the self empowerment.

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The tab

BLACKPINK – Kill This Love

Putting these lists together, it was very clear that the Valentine’s songs were mostly older and the Skeletor songs were much more recent.

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The tab

Simon & Garfunkel – The Sound of Silence (Tabs)

Simon & Garfunkel – The Sound of Silence (Tab)

A tab for The Sound of Silence by the duo with a guy who was never heard of again and Garfunkel from the world famous ukulele duo Garfunkel and Oates.

Because the song is just a verse repeated, I’ve arranged it slightly differently each time. First time is just a straight ahead melody and chords. Second time introduces harmony to the melody line. And third time is the harmonised melody with a bit of strumming.

There are a couple of bars of 6/4 in each verse that might trip you up. I found the one in bar 9 quite natural to play. But the one in bar 13 tripped me up much more.


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Riffs and Solos: Weezer, The Specials, Eiffel 65 and more

Weezer – Buddy Holly (Solo)

The Specials – Ghost Town

The Smile – The Smoke

Eiffel 65 – Blue

Kool and the Gang – Jungle Boogie

Armani White – Billie Eilish

Lipps Inc – Funkytown

Nirvana – Heart-Shaped Box (Tabs)

Nirvana – Heart-Shaped Box (Tab)

Nirvana’s ever-present quiet-loud-quit-loud dynamics are in full effect on Heart-Shaped Box. So using fingerpicking for the quiet bits and strumming for the loud bits is a must in this arrangement.

All the picking is one-finger-per-string style. That means you’re picking consecutive notes on g- and C-strings (e.g. in bar 5). I’d usually avoid that as it’s less natural than using thumb then index finger. But it works out much better for the rest of the verse.

There are a whole bunch of bends in the song. The trickiest of them are in the chorus where you’re playing chords on the 2nd/3rd fret then bending at the 9th fret. You’re also bending whilst fretting the C-string for an extra challenge.

On the upside, the bends sound better if they’re a little out of tune so you don’t have to worry too much about that.


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Saturday UkeTube: Kamakakehau Fernandez, The Bygones

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Kamakakehau Fernandez – Koali
Mig Martins – A Voz Do Morro
The Bygones – Honey Pie
Natasha Ghosh – Eye Of The Tiger
Jackie Mendoza – Pedacitos
Sinner Friends – Sweet Mama, Hurry Home
Peter Madcat Ruth – 500 Miles
George Elmes – Nile Rodgers Medley
Junichi Moriyama and Swingy Sakano – Days of Wine and Roses

Billie Eilish – ocean eyes (Tabs)

Billie Eilish – ocean eyes (Tab)

Here’s a tab for Billie Eilish’s song about Dwight: ocean eyes.

Intro and Verse: Based on a descending chord progression and a simple melody line. Nothing challenging here.

Chorus: Here’s where the challenge starts. There’s an ascending riff on the C-string going along side the busier melody. I’ve used a bit of campanella style playing to deal with the quick notes.

Solo: Heavily based on the verse with a few extra twiddles. A good place to play around with your own ideas.


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Three Years of Patreon

I started the Uke Hunt Patreon three years ago and the support of Patreons has made a massive difference for the site. A huge thank you to all the backers. It’s tough times for everyone at the moment and I deeply appreciate you choosing to support the site. With the UK currently circling the drain of history, Patreon supporters have been what’s keeping me and the site up and running.

As a bonus for backers, all Patreons get tabs as soon as the video goes up. And there’s a monthly tab request thread with most tabs now being requests from Patreon. There are also more rewards for higher tiers:

Patreon Only Tabs

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Concert level backers ($5 per month) and up also get access to a month free tab. These tabs tend towards the more challenging in terms of skill level.

When you sign up, you’ll get access to all the previous Patreon-only tabs. Including these from last year:

Commodores – Easy
Pearl Jam – Jeremy
Toto – Africa
Elizabeth Cotten – Freight Train
Kate Bush – Running Up That Hill
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Under the Bridge
Paul Simon – You Can Call Me Al
Mason Williams – Classical Gas
Michael Jackson – Thriller
Carly Simon – Nobody Does It Better
Joni Mitchell – River


Finally, Tenor level backers ($10 per month and up) get their names immortalised as Medicean-level patrons of the arts along with these exceptional folks:

– Arthur Foley
– Dan
– Dennis Boutsikaris
– Elizabeth Beardsley
– Ivo
– Jameson Gagnepain
– Jeff K
– Jeff Otto
– Jon Kenniston
– Kelby Green
– Kie77
– Lisa Johnson
– Monika Kolodziejczyk
– Moses Kamai
– Nevylle Carroll
– Nick Parsons
– Pat Weikle
– Pauline LeBlanc
– Robert
– T S
– Thorsten Neff

Garbage – Only Happy When It Rains (Tabs)

Garbage – Only Happy When It Rains (Tab)

I’m back and I’m starting the year how I intend to carry on: with pessimistic miserablism in the form of Garbage’s Only Happy When It Rains.

Verse: Not wasting any time with an intro. Since the melody does a lot of switching between A and G, I’m taking advantage of the re-entrant string and using the open A and G notes. I love how well the bent notes at the fifth fret work here.

Chorus: Switching to a major key for a fairly jaunty chorus melody.

Solo: Nothing too flashy here. If you do want to get flashy, you could replace some of the notes at the third fret at the start of the bars in the second half with notes bent at the second fret. That’s more true to the original but tricky to pull off (particularly on the E chord).

Outro: A bit of stretch here when you’re playing Am then hitting the A-string, 5th fret.


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Merry Christmas See You in 2023

Merry Christmas, Chanukah Sameach, Mele Kalikimakaa, Feliz Natal and Happy Holidays! (If you can be arsed with it this year.)

That’s it from me for another year. I’ll be back sometime in January 2023 (year of the D7 chord).

If you’re after some Christmas music and you’re as Spotify user here’s my Christmas Ukulele playlist. Or, if you’re sick of Christmas music, my playlist of ukulele selections from 2022.

If you can’t stand to be without a steady stream of uke, I’ll be posting on Instagram, on Twitter (if I can stomach it – Mastodon if I can’t) and Patreon. Speaking of which…


I’ve been blown away by the amount of support I’ve received since starting the Uke Hunt Patreon. The amount of support has far exceeded my expectations and I’m overwhelmingly grateful to everyone who has supported the site. Your support has meant that, by my count, there have been 52 full tabs added to the site this year. Plus 12 more Patreon-only tabs.

And extra thanks to December’s Tenor backers:

– Arthur Foley
– Colleen Petticrew
– Dan
– Dennis Boutsikaris
– Elizabeth Beardsley
– Ivo
– Jameson Gagnepain
– Jeff K
– Jeff Otto
– Jon Kenniston
– Kelby Green
– Kie77
– Lisa Johnson
– Monika Kolodziejczyk
– Moses Kamai
– Nevylle Carroll
– Nick Parsons
– Pat Weikle
– Pauline LeBlanc
– Robert
– T S
– Thorsten Neff

If you join Patreon at the Concert level or higher, you’ll get access to all previous exclusive tabs including December’s Joni Mitchell’s River.

Christmas UkeTube 2022

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It’s here. With cheer. It’s the same every year. It’s the Christmas UkeTube.

The O’Pears – Bleak Midwinter / River
The Mad Tea Party – Oh Shit, It’s Christmastime!
Vinícius Vivas – White Christmas
Memphis Ukulele Band – Holidays Ain’t the Same (Without You)
Jon Yamasato, Herb Ohta Jr., Sarah Maisel, Craig Chee – Christmas Luau
Taimane – What Child is This/God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen/Carol of the Bells
Bad Mouse Orchestra & Moon Berries – What will Santa Claus say when he finds everybody swinging?
Allison Young – The Christmas Waltz
Ukulele Solos – Fairytale of New York

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