Archive for the ‘Links’ Category

Taimane Smashes Into Police Car: Friday Links

My Ukulele for Dummies book is now available in the UK (Amazon sold out their first batch straight away but they’re back in stock now). People have already been getting their copies (including my mum who was practically bashing on the doors of Amazon on the day of release). If you’re one of those, it […]

Friday Links

Jim D’Ville looks at the science of learning to play by ear. New French ukulele magazine. The Rights of Man on Uker Tabs. MP3s: Big favourite of mine, Lila Burns has an album of demos up on Bandcamp. Helen Arney was on the Infinite Monkey radio show/podcast and you can download the track she played […]

Friday Links

The ukulele show Bossarocker did for Chorlton Arts Radio is now available to listen online. You can hear two hours of ukulele goodness including sessions from Pyjama Party and David Leech on her new website. Dhani ‘son of George’ Harrison is busting out his Dad’s ukes on his new album. Last week‘s video of Peter […]

Steven Sproat, Vaughn De Leath: Friday Links

The outbreak of ukulele stories from last week rolled on. According to the BBC, Steven Sproat reckons too many people are playing the ukulele. A decent article (i.e. Formby is given more suitable prominence) on the Duke of Uke’s troubles (and Neil ‘Mr Amanda Palmer’ Gaiman, Iain Lee and Jeremy Warmsley have been tweeting their […]

George Forman: Friday Links

A flurry of F-words, gaffes and misinformation as the British media has gone on one of their ‘the ukulele is making a comeback’ kicks (as they’ve done a couple a times a year for the last five years). A selection of the goings-on: – The most amusing was in the Telegraph which was originally sub-headlined, […]

Save Duke of Uke, Arrested for Ukeing: Friday Links

London’s chief ukulele floggers, the Duke of Uke are being chucked out of their premises. You can help them out by buying a t-shirt or donating on their website. While we’re in London, good friend of the blog and all-around fantastic person, Lorraine Bow is running two ukulele courses from early June – one for […]

Friday Links

More ukes at the movies: “Sucker Punch” star Oscar Isaac is set to play the male lead in Walden Media’s drama “Still I Rise,” which will be released stateside by 20th Century Fox. Inspired by America’s current education crisis, pic stars Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis as two frustrated mothers who team up to transform […]

Friday Links

New ukulele releases: Ukulollo’s Completely Unbroken (you can get MP3s here – The Beat of the Strum is essential), UOGB’s Still Live (essentials: Hot Lips and Good Sculptures), Howlin’ Hobbit’s Taking the Plunge. And Nellie McKay has an EP available for free. On the way: Aaron Keim’s Quiet American II. Zach Condon will be releasing […]

Obama and U K L Lee: Friday Links

Local Registrar on Barack Obama’s birth certificate was one ‘U K L Lee’. New live album from the UOGB on the way: Still Live. Tracks include new tour hits like Hot Lips and Good Sculptures and new versions of old favourites like Le Freak and Monster. Full track list on UOGB Frog Fans. MP3s: New […]

Friday Links

I’ve been using Tumblr for a while now. There’s a lot of uke stuff, obviously, but also plenty of non-uke material. Official friend of the blog, Marie has been putting up some great uke photos on her Tumblr including these handsome ukers and a cycling ukulelist along with this insanely addictive little music maker. […]

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