Archive for the ‘Links’ Category

Ukulelia Back, South Park References: Friday Links

I’m officially the number one ukulele site again. Ukulelia returns after falling down the back of the internet. Don’t forget to update your subscription too. The old one isn’t working. Amanda Palmer promises an EP of Radiohead covers on ukulele. In the comments: Good knowledge from David, Foxboy and 4DJB25 who pointed out that South […]

U900’s Ukulele Beatles, My KoAloha Story: Friday Links

The new U900 record, Ukulele Beatles (oof), is available for pre-order on Amazon Japan (Thanks to Nutcrackerkuge for that). If you missed the first of Bossa’s Ukulele! Radio Shows you missed some killer tracks, a chat with Armelle and an awkward interview with the world’s handsomest ukulele blogger. Make sure you don’t miss the next […]

Friday Links

Bossarocker is doing a ukulele show for Chorlton Arts Radio (a non-profit community radio station) and is looking for people to contribute their ukulele tracks to be played on the show. If you want to be featured, you can find more details here. Classical ukulelist Herman Vandecauter has started a blog where you can find […]

UK Uke Shows: Friday Links

I’ll be off on holiday by the time you read this. And not one of those fake holidays where I just stop blogging and spend every day laying in bed. A real holiday where I go somewhere. So after tomorrow’s videos there won’t be any posts for three weeks. Jim D’Ville’s Play Ukulele by Ear […]

Transposing from Guitar Tab, Eleuke Contest: Friday Links

Here’s a useful site that’ll help you transfer guitar tabs to ukulele. Obviously, it’ll take a bit of reworking afterwards but it looks very useful. Eleuke USA are on a big publicity drive at the moment and they’ve just announced a new contest that starts in June. It’s the usual video contest affair. The big […]

Jake Shimabukuro @Google, Cobain Fools: Friday Links

Jake plays for Google, chats ukulele and – my favourite part – does a Q&A in this hour long appearance at GoogleTalks. Ukulele April Fool of the year goes to this article from NPR about the discovery of demos from a very young Kurt Cobain including, “”Nixon Must Die (Or Resign)”… “Shazam!”; and the collection’s […]

Friday Links

Learn to play the Ukulele Bartt way with his new DVD. TVNZ chat with WIUO about their tour: “So you’re back out on the road again – you guys clearly enjoy the touring? Not really. It’s just that Andy lost a t-shirt during our last tour, so we are retracing our steps to find it.” […]

Baritone Tabs, Olive Thomas: Friday Links

A mystery tabber was kind enough to let me post a bit slab of baritone ukulele tabs of classical and traditional tunes. The Re-entrants are trying to get their version of Ace of Spades into the charts. You can buy it on iTunes. Olive Thomas on a ukulele. She had an interesting lifestory, there’s a […]

Friday Links

30 Ukulele, 30 Artists – although all the best ones are sold already. Hilarious parody of ukulele boy. Demetri Martin busts out the uke at about 7:50 (thanks to Ben). Ukulele ad banned for reinforcing racial stereotypes. I got mentioned at SXSW (slide 37). Looks like an interesting presentation on the pentatonic scale. Rocky and […]

D-Tuning in Canada, Christoph Waltz: Friday Links

The new ukulele compilation from Lost Sound Tapes Ukulele, Mekulele, Wekulele is available to buy now and features Uke Hunt favourites Jacob Borshard, MJ Hibbett and Yoyoyo Acapulco. Ben Lew discusses redesigning Uke Hunt – leave him a comment telling him he’s ace. A very interesting article in the latest edition of Ukulele Yes! asking […]

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