eBay UK Ukes, Mahalo Les Paul

There are quite a few interesting ukes for sale on eBay UK right now. Hank’s Guitar Shop has a bunch of interesting ukuleles including Martins, Kamakas, KoAlohas, Fleas and Flukes.

Mahalo have been making Gibson Flying V style ukes for a while and now they’ve moved on to Les Pauls. You can buy them in Cherry and Black .

Also on eBay UK is this Gibson which has been attacked with a drill, but might still be worth watching.

Still in the UK, but confusingly on ebay US, is this strange “Trad Jazz Special” plastic ukulele.

There seems to be even more photos of topless ukulele girls than usual this week, but the photo that really caught my attention was this photo of a German boy from 1866. As well as the distractions of the hat and thrown, that’s a very interesting instrument he has there.

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  1. todd August 9th, 2008 12:22 am

    not sure about the traditional jazz uke, but I’d love to have a “T.V. Land” or roy smeck plastic uke in my arsenal some day…..

  2. Emily August 9th, 2008 1:06 am

    A guy tried to push me into buying the Les-Paul styled Bushman today. I was feeling cheap and didn’t want to shell out the extra hundred bucks. I did end up with a Bushman, though. Man they sound great. And the hunt for a uke for my mom has ended too! Two ukes in one day! Someone stop me!

  3. Woodshed August 9th, 2008 10:55 am

    todd: The Flamingos are my favourite. Particularly with the pitch pipes on the head (but I can’t figure out how you can play the pitch pipe and tune at the same time).

    Emily: Congrats on the new uke. I didn’t realise Bushman did Les Paul ukes. Which model is that?

  4. Cardboardfrog August 9th, 2008 12:49 pm

    has anyone else noticed that the trad jazz plastic uke isn’t actually american its in derby.
    i quite fancy the look of it actually, but i think having just bought a lanikai concert i should wait before i buy more ukes

  5. Woodshed August 9th, 2008 12:57 pm

    I must admit, I missed that. I shall adjust the post accordingly. Thanks cbf.

  6. hugh mcmillan August 9th, 2008 4:42 pm

    um… I’m having trouble with your link to the topless ukulele girls…

  7. Emily August 9th, 2008 7:34 pm

    I have no idea. I saw it briefly and just noticed the BUSHMAN on the headstock. I tried looking it up online and all I could find was the K-Wave on the Bushman site. I’ll have to go back and do some investigating. Perhaps it was the now discontinued Venetian Cutaway model

  8. Rhydian August 10th, 2008 10:57 am

    Yay! Thank you, Mr. UkeleleHunt! Call it sacrilegious, but I’ve always liked ukuleles that look like famous guitars. And now I have a Les Paul! I wish I’d looked around before I bought it though. The same guy also has a Vintage Sunburst one on sale. Cherry will have to do. :)

  9. Woodshed August 10th, 2008 1:08 pm

    hugh: Don’t worry about it, hugh. None of us are getting any younger.

    Emily: I shall keep an eye out also. The cutaways make it a bit more Gibson like, but I don’t think that’s it.

    Rhydian: The lil guitars are definitely fun. I’m tempted by the Black myself. Have fun with it.

  10. zymeck August 11th, 2008 10:40 am

    Those Les Pauls do look quite funky – i like the starburst one :)
    I really dont know if i can sneaky a 4th ukulele into the house right now :( – what is it about ukueleles that makes buying/owning them so addictive

    Actually, im rather pleased to see that Mahalo had got their act together and have started sticking geared tuners on their cheap ukes. I dont mind pegged tuners, but the ones they use on budget ukes are pretty crappy in my experience

  11. Woodshed August 11th, 2008 9:00 pm

    Yeah, geared are definitely the way to go with cheap ukes. I’m getting very tempted by them. For £35, it’s probably worth it just for the look.

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