Big and Small Theme (Tabs)

Big and Small Theme (Melody, Chords and Accompaniment)

As I generally go to great lengths to avoid any contact with people under the age of 21, it took comments from zym, cardboardfrog and Nick to alert me to the ukulele theme tune to Big and Small. Even better, Nick mentioned the ukulele-trio version on the CBeebies website (go through a door, click the piano, give them all ukes). And it’s that version I’ve tabbed up (although the vocal version has the same chords).

Here I am playing the tabbed version:


The chords are played further up the neck than their standard shapes, but you could use the more familiar ones and it’ll sound fine.

The melody is also fairly straight forward. It helps to play it with a pick as some of the notes are played quite quickly. Here’s the melody by itself:

Big and Small (Melody Tab)

And here’s the accompaniment played by the wee-un:

Big and Small (Accompaniment Tab)

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