April Smith – Colors (Chords)
There are a lot of ukuleles cropping up in adverts at the moment. This one from April Smith was used in an ad for Trojan condoms. Which changes the meaning of the song into something along the lines of, “Don’t worry honey. While you’re gone, I promise to use a condom with the many, many people I screw. Love ya, bye.”
I actually paid for this album to be made (check here if you don’t believe me) and it was worth it just to get this uke-featuring song out there. It’s an insanely catchy tune. Listen to it a couple of times and you’ll be stomping around singing the chorus.
Suggested Strumming
The easiest thing to do is follow the guitar and just down strum on the off-beats:
– d – d – d – d
On the last down beat, you can play a C# chord (same as the D but one fret down) and slide it up. But be sure to keep all the other strums short by cutting off the chords.
When the uke comes in you can go for something more tricky like this:
d – d – – u d u
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