Videos from the Ukulele Guild of Hawaii Exhibition 2010 including a close look at the ukes. There are also some pictures on Ukulele Me Crazy.
Kala have a new look website. As do UU.
Long-time friend of the Hunt, Jenny has is blogging Hot Girls with Ukuleles which is not safe for work. At all.
New friend of the Hunt, Lorraine Bow gets interviewed by the Guardian.
Rivers Cuomo’s opinion of Fender ukuleles seems to be similar to that of many commenters (if you feel different you can win a Weezer signed ukulele here).
Pictures: Ukulele Underground, Antique Muse (NSFW), the running man with a ukulele.
MP3: Indie Music Database has one from The Chord and the Fawn.
What it’s really like to work in a music store.
In the comments: The best comment ever, “many of these people seem to stroke your dick which is obviously bigger and more important than your ear you deaf bastard.” Yes, my penis is bigger and more important than my ear. And everyone wishing to stroke it should form an orderly queue.
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