Bee Gees – Stayin’ Alive (Chords)
Time to bust out your disco pants for some Bee Gees action.
d0y0uwantt0‘s rather fine ukulele version. It’s in the same key so you’re safe playing along with the original version.
Suggested Strumming
This is the trickiest part of the song. It’s best to keep things varied with plenty of syncopated, muted strumming. But here are a couple of ideas.
You can use this for the intro but for the first down strum start with your index finger off the g-string them hammer it on. Remember to do muted strums for the Xs.
Then you can move into this for the verse:
Twiddly Bits
The riff in the original version has to be moved up high on the uke to play it in the original key.
Requested by Torr
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