The Burning Hell – I Love the Things That People Make (Baritone Chords)
How would one go about making this song the official anthem of the internet?
It seems there are two types of site on the internet: sites about things people do (like Facebook, Twitter and Perez Hilton) and sites about things that people make (like YouTube, Tumblr and Boing, Boing). And I think you can guess which side of this I’m on.
The chords up top are for baritone. It’s not quite as nice to play on standard tuning but here it is:
The Burning Hell – I Love the Things… (Standard Tuning Chords)
Suggested Strumming
You can do two down strums for each for Am, E and F; and one each for C and Cmaj7).
Or you can do what Mathias does in the intro and do this for Am, E and F:
d – d u
And a set of triplets each for C and Cmaj7.
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