Archive for the ‘Links’ Category

Friday Ukulele Links

Borrowing ukuleles from libraries. Sounds like a good idea to me. I wasn’t aware libraries took donations of ukuleles. Ukeumentary featuring Daniel Dixon, Dominator and the world’s handsomest ukulele blogger. MP3 Blogs:The Cop Shop has Broken Records’ Ukulele Song (get it before they sign to a major), Songs:Illionois has tracks from Rose Polenzani. Frank Skinner […]

Friday Ukulelinks

With the How to Play Blues Ukulele ebook being harder to finish and a much bigger hit than I had expected, October has been a bit of a crazy month. I’ve decided to take a little rest from the blog, so after today there won’t be any more posts until next Friday. The Online Ukulele […]

Friday Ukulelinks

A big thanks to everyone who’s written to me saying nice things about How to Play Blues Ukulele. I’m completely knocked out by how well it’s been received. There was one small hitch, a couple of the examples got lost somewhere. If you bought the ebook – you should have an email from me. If […]

Friday Ukulinklinks

Some very diverting videos this week: Eddie Thomas & Carl Scott, Lego ukulele and KazooKeyLele. On the subject of ukulele videos, UkeToob is a new blog and podcast showcasing the best ukulele videos. Jumping Flea Market looks like it might be the recipient of a few of my hard earned Euros once the online store […]

Bushman Ukulele Video Contest 2008 and other Ukulelinks

The Bushman World Ukulele Video Contest 2008 is now open for entries. First prize is $1,000 on account to spend on Bushman ukuleles. I was idly browsing the Duke of Uke’s long list of celeb clients. Amongst the ukenoscenti was the unexpected name of John Barnes. I hope he ukes better than he raps. Sex! […]

WIUO Ads, Ukepedia, Rolling Cocunuts and other Ukelinks

The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra are providing the music for, Kiwi merchants, Whitcoulls’ latest set of ads. You can watch two of them here and here. (Thanks to Mike for pointing it out). Ukepedia: set a Wikipedia article to ukulele backing. Get involved here. The Japanese ukulele magazine, Rolling Coconuts is bringing out a CD, […]

Friday Ukulinklinks

Not a great deal to report on this week. Aldrine is doing live ukulele lessons. If you missed the first one, you can find it here. On a related note, I’m changing the official Uke Hunt review policy while I still have some friends left: I’m not reviewing anyone’s music. I’ll be sticking to the […]

Wii Ukulele

For everyone who’s been desperately awaiting Ukulele Hero, there’s a new ad for a ukulele Wii game (thanks Wes). Mark Kailana Nelson has posted his tab for Moloka’i Waltz on Uker Tabs. You can buy a bunch more of his arrangements of Hawaiian tunes here (and there’s a free pdf of Hawaiian turnarounds there too) […]

Beatles Ukulele Chord Book, Ukulele Force and more Ukelinks

As if I didn’t blather on about the ukulele enough, I’ve gone and set up another ukulele site: Ukulele Online. The original idea came from all the Yahoo! Answers questions I was answering. I decided I was going to answer every single ukulele question that’s ever been asked online. Then I calmed down a little. […]

Ukuleles for Peace, Nicolas Acosta and other Ukulinklinks

Anyone who knows me knows there’s nothing I hate more than kids and peace. But watching Siwar and Hillai playing of the Ukuleles for Peace project might just be enough to change my war-mongering, child-kicking ways. You can find out more about Ukuleles for Peace in these videos: Part One, Part Two and on the […]

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