Friday Links: Useless tips and Weird Ukes

Petey Forrest’s completely useless ukulele tips: play the same note on all strings, dead G string wah-wah and Zombie Slides.

Window Shopping

Hoffman ML style cedar/cocobolo tenor.
1930s heart-shaped Dayton.
Fanned-fret Kukamae i.e. the bridge, nut and all the frets are diagonal. I’m a bit suspicious of the supposed advantages of this but it certainly looks cool.
Hive Hornet tenor.
– Weird and possibly unplayable Asuka ukulele.
– The translation wasn’t much help identifying this ukulele.

Chris Cornell Riffs

Soundgarden – Spoonman

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A typically off-kilter Soundgarden riff. It’s seven beats long so I’ve split it into a bar of 4/4 and a bar of 3/4.

I hope you’ve got a capo ready because a lot of these use a capo to get in the right key.

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Temple of the Dog – Hunger Strike

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From the album Chris Cornell made with what went on to be Pearl Jam in tribute to Mother Love Bone singer Andrew Wood.

The riff transfers very nicely to ukulele. I’m using thumb and two finger picking to play it.

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Audioslave – Cochise

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This one, on the other hand, sounds pretty ridiculous on ukulele. But fun to play all the same.

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Soundgarden – Rusty Cage

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The first Soundgarden song I ever heard thanks to MTV2’s 120 Minutes back in the day.

For this one I tuned the C-string down to A. Which is the point it starts to get wobbly and doesn’t hold the tuning well. An alternative is to use a low-G with the G tuned up to A. The move everything from the third string to the fourth.

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Soundgarden – Rhinosaur

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From Soundgarden’s underrated Down on the Upside. It’s packed with great riffs and my favourite album of theirs. But it didn’t do anywhere near as well as Superunknown and the band (temporarily) broke up after it.

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Manchester Music

Manchester is the heart of the UK’s music scene. And it’s hosted some legendary moments in live music including Bob Dylan’s Judas moment at the Free Trade Hall, the Sex Pistols gig at the Lesser Free Trade Hall (sparking the music careers of the Buzzcocks, Morrissey, Mark E Smith, Jay Division and Magazine), the epicentre of the house scene at the Hacienda and Oasis at Maine Road. To celebrate the great city and its music here’s a collection of Mancunian tunes I’ve tabbed and chorded:

Five Manchester Riffs: The Stone Roses – Waterfall, The Happy Mondays – Loose Fit, Joy Division – Love Will Tear Us Apart, The Chemical Brothers – Galvanize, The Fall – Wrong Place, Right Time
Happy Mondays – Step On
Stone Roses – All for One

The Smiths

5 Riffs: This Charming Man, Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now, What Difference Does It Make, Still Ill, Suedehead.
Bigmouth Strikes Again
Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
The Queen is Dead
Unhappy Birthday

The Fall
How I Wrote Elastic Man
Theme from Sparta FC

Soundgarden – Black Hole Sun (Chords and Tab)

Soundgarden – Black Hole Sun (Chords)

Soundgarden were the most musically adventurous group to come out of the grunge scene. Their songs are peppered with unusual chords and strange time signatures. Both of which crop up in Black Hole Sun.

The progression starts with the sweat G6 and Bb6 chords then lazily descends the neck with trademark grunge melancholy.

I’ve kept that descending move in my arrangement with the chords starting high up the neck. So pay attention to the fret numbers at the side of the chord charts and remember that they’re relative to the capo on the first fret (e.g. the G6 chord is played 8th fret but notated at the 7th fret).

The strangest aspect of the progression comes at the end of the verse. The song is in G but the verse ends with an Ab chord. The chord doesn’t sit comfortably and they leave it hanging in the air. Building up the sinister, unnerving atmosphere and creating tension pushing the song forward into the chorus. Genius piece of songwriting.

Suggested Strumming

Intro and Verse: Here’s a strum you can use for most of the chords in the verse:

d u d u – u d u

Do that once for each chord except the short G – G7 move where you can use this once for each:

d – d u

Here’s how that sounds:

Verse strum

Chorus: I like to switch to this as the main strum:

d – d u d u d u

Again, once for each except the G-G7 where you use d-du.

Solo/Outro Riff

The riff in the solo and outro doesn’t transfer too well to ukulele. So I’d recommend skipping it if you’re performing it.

If you do want to tackle it, I strum down once on each chord except on the B-C move I strum down on the B then slide up to C. Finishing off with down on the F and up-down on the G.

This is where the weird time signature comes in. The riff is 9 beats long. I think of it as a bar of 5/4 followed by a bar of 4/4.

Here’s my best shot at it:

Solo Riff

Twiddly Bits

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Here’s a picking tab that combines elements of the backing and lead parts in the verse. Similar to Chris Cornell’s incredible acoustic version.

For the intro, just play this up to the open A-string in bar 3.


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Five Grunge Riffs

UkeTube: Imelda May, Lola Marsh

Full Playlist

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Friday Links

The online portion of the Art on a Ukulele campaign has kicked off with proceeds going to The Hepatitis C Trust. There are various levels of reward. I’ve gone for the Art on a Plectrum and have my fingers crossed for a Pam Glew eye-pick that will go great with my collection of Illuminati memorabilia.

Pelem guitarlele.
Hive’s Aural Genesis.
David Gomes T8-425 2000s Tenor 8 string.
Alula with crazy back.
1928 Martin 5K.

New Releases
Isaac Balson’s Mild Card complete with a Slow TV video for the whole album.
– Jacob Norman Chainsaw-Arm’s low-fi, 8-bit Heartburn64.

Not Ukulele
– Mexican popstar and occasional uker Natalia Lafourcade has put together one hell of a backing band for her latest album including guitarists Miguel Peña and Juan Carlos Allende. Take a listen to Te Vi Pasar and her collaboration with Buena Vista Socialist Omara Portuondo.
Musical fractals are completely insane.

Nancy Sinatra – Bang Bang (Tab)

Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)(Tab)

It wasn’t until embarrassingly recently that I found out Bang Bang was written by Sonny Bono and first recorded by Cher. But it’s the sparse and haunting Nancy Sinatra version that this version is based on. But I don’t think any cover has eclipsed the original since Oasis’s version of Mike Flowers Pops’ Wonderwall.

In the tab there are a few repeat symbols you’re unfamiliar with. The first repeat comes at the end of bar 16 with the familiar double bar and dots. That sends you back to bar 5. From there you play through to bar 20 where it says D.S. al Fine (Da Segno al Fine). That sends you back to the squiggle at bar 5 and tells you to stop where it says Fine in bar 16.


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Ten Years of Uke Hunt

This week marks ten years since I decided the best use of my time was to start a ukulele blog and call it “Uke Hunt”.

Since then the blog has had over 2,000 posts, over 27 million visits and more than 115 million page views. That’s equivalent to everyone in Australia visiting the site and checking out a few pages. It’s insane. And as much of a shut-in, loner as I am there’s a huge number of people I’m pathetically grateful for helping me make it this long.

Thank You!

Firstly, I have to thank my mum, dad and brother. They were way more supportive of me when I told them I’d quit work and decided to be a ukulele blogger than I had any right to expect. My dad died in 2010. Not long before I landed the Ukulele for Dummies book. It’s a real shame he didn’t get to see me do an actual, legitimate thing.

Secondly, I have to thank my fiancée, Carrie. I met her through this blog and it was worth ten years of work just for that. Without her love and kindness keeping me on the right side of sanity the blog would be long dead by now.

I’m really blessed to be part of a world that is as encouraging and enthusiastic as the ukulele community. The success of the site is entirely down to all of you for your support over the years. I have a complete lack of stick-to-it-iveness (Uke Hunt is the longest job I’ve ever had by a factor of about 5) so I’m pathetically grateful to everyone for:

Reading: It’s such a thrill for me that people find the site useful.

Most people assume I’m a ukulele advocate and think everyone should play it. But I’m not one of those, “If everyone played the ukulele there’d be no wars,” types. Ukuleles are great but the success of the ukulele isn’t something that gets me out of bed in the morning (metaphorically, I’m writing this in bed – I’m not an idiot).

What really gets me excited is helping people to feel accomplished and proud of themselves. Like this. Or playing to entertain their friends. It’s such a buzz to be able to help people with that. Music if difficult. You should give yourself a pat on the back when you master a tune.

The amateur psychologist would say the real motivation is that if I make enough people feel accomplished and proud of themselves then eventually I’ll feel accomplished and proud of myself. Maybe in the next ten years.

Feedback: commenting, emailing, tweeting and reviewing: I judge the success of a post almost entirely by how much of reaction it gets in comments, emails and on YouTube. That feedback is so important to me.

There are a few people who have been commenting on the blog for most of its existence. I’m particularly grateful to those people for still popping round and saying hello.

Spreading the word: Telling people about the site is absolutely the best way to support it. I put the growth of the site entirely down to people recommending it to other ukers.

Buying: It’s my nightmare that one day I might have to get a proper job. So I can’t thank enough those people who spend hard earned money on my ebooks. I’m not one of those people energetic and productive enough to do a day job and run a side project. There’s no way the site could exist without your financial support.

Getting involved: There are so many clubs and groups and festivals I can hardly keep up. Add to that the number of people writing blogs, tabbing and doing YouTube tutorials. It’s staggering and it all makes playing the ukulele a better experience.

Playing: It’s a huge inspiration to watch people playing on YouTube and listening to the records. Just watching random YouTube videos gets my brain firing. If you do something cool I’m very likely to steal it.

The Archives of Uke Hunt

Year One

In my head I remembered the blog taking a while to settle into a rhythm. But looking back I’m surprised how quick it got going. By July 2007 Friday Links and Saturday UkeTube were already in place and by the end of 2007 I’d released my first three ebooks: Ragtime Ukulele, Ukulele Chord Progressions (both no longer available, I’m afraid) and the first Christmas Ukulele (still available in updated form).

The first year included the big two: Somewhere Over the Rainbow and a tutorial for While My Guitar Gently Weeps (with a doomed plea for people to work up their own versions).

Beirut were a big impetus for me starting the blog and I got cracking on those with Elephant Gun, Postcards from Italy and The Penalty.

Plus a couple of tabs I still like: Carl Ray Villaverde – Tears in Heaven and Brian Hefferan – Sailors Hornpipe

Year Two

The How to Play Blues Ukulele ebook was released. Which I updated a little while ago and I think is my best ebook.

Tutorials on:

The Blues Scale
The basics of strumming
10 Reason It’s Easier to Learn the Guitar than the Ukulele

Tabs and chords:

Tonight You Belong to Me (The Jerk Version)
The Office: An American Workplace Theme
Neutral Milk Hotel – Holland, 1945
Whose Line Is It Anyway? – Hoedown
Star Wars – Cantina Band
Davy Graham – Angi

Year Three

The How to Play Ukulele Strums ebook came out in July.

This year brought the very sad death of John King. He was a massive influence on me. Easy the biggest influence when it came to how I arranged tunes for the ukulele. I wrote up a post about all the things I learned from him in tribute.

A guide to strumming notation and 10 things I wish I’d known about ukuleles (before I bought one).

Tabs and chords:

David Beckingham’s take on In the Mood: David is a fantastic arranger and I’m really proud that he generously lets me share his tabs here. Find all his tabs here.

Robert Johnson – They’re Red Hot (Chords)
John King – Larry O’Gaff (Tab)
Harry Potter – Hedwig’s Theme (Tab)
Sigur Ros – Hoppipolla (Tab)
Iron & Wine – Naked As We Came (Tab)
Keston Cobblers’ Club – You-Go (Chords)
Elliott Brood – The Valley Town (Tab): Such an under-appreciated band. Their debut EP Tin Type – with songs like Oh Alberta and Only at Home – sounds like the blueprint to every Mumford and Lumineers song.
Upstairs, Downstairs Theme (Tab) which ended up being played on Radio 4.

Year Four

This year’s ebook was How to Play Classical Ukulele and I tabbed up the entirely uke-inappropriate O Fortuna to go along with it.

Discussions on why you should give a crap about copyright terms and 10 things you hear about ukuleles that might be bollocks.

Tabs and chords:

Rodrigo Y Gabriela – Tamacun
Duelling Banjos
Bjork – It’s Oh So Quiet
Top Cat and Fraggle Rock
Mumford and Sons – The Cave
Ellie Goulding’s Starry Eyed
Willie Nelson’s Crazy and Gnarls Barkley’s Crazy
John King’s Swallowtail

Year Five

No ebook this year because I was busy burning myself out writing Ukulele for Dummies an actual, proper, dead-tree book.

The 13 most useful strumming patterns.

It emerged that Obama’s birth certificate was signed by one U.K.L. Lee.

Tabs and chords:

Moon River
King of the Hill theme
The Burning Hell – I Love the Things That People Make (Chords)
Amanda Palmer – Ukulele Anthem (Chords)
Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt – What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? (Chords)
Sherlock’s Theme (Tab)
Gotye – Somebody That I Used To Know (Chords)
Skrillex – Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Tab)

Year Six

I released my second book of Christmas tabs which I almost called Christmas Ukulele 2: Yuletide Boogaloo. Not doing so was probably the worst business decision I’ve ever made.

Three weird-ass scales

Tabs and chords:

Bob’s Burgers theme tab which briefly appeared in an ad for the show.
Taylor Swift (ft. The Civil Wars) – Safe and Sound (Tab)
The Muppet Show Theme (Tab)
Pi for Ukulele (Tab)
Elvis Costello – Shipbuilding (Tab)
Mike Love – No Regrets (Chords)

Year Seven

Great books by ukulele playing authors.
Three more weird-ass scales.

Tabs and chords:
The xx – Intro
WIUO – Afternoon Delight
I Am The Doctor
Gustavo Santaolla – The Last of Us Theme
A bunch of Pete Seeger songs
La Vie en Rose (Chords)
Daft Punk – Get Lucky (Chords)
Lorde – Royals (Chords)
Mr Moustafa from Grand Budapest Hotel (Tab)

Year Eight

Finishing off the Christmas tab ebook trilogy with Christmas Ukulele 3: Return of the Maji. Along with new editions of Ukulele Strums, Slide Ukulele, National Anthems and second edition of Blues Ukulele.

Tutorials for no hassle chord changes and lots of hassle strumming patterns.

Jonathan Lewis launched his excellent ebook of campanella arrangements of Irish tunes and wrote his introduction to campanella for Uke Hunt.

Tab and chords:

Pharrell’s Happy
Uptown Funk
Led Zep’s Rain Song
Medley of Arctic Monkeys AM album
the Nun Song from Orange is the New Black
Joe Brown’s classic version of I’ll See You in My Dreams
Frasier theme
Serial theme
Massive Attack’s Teardrop
Michael Jackson’s The Way You Make Me Feel

Year Nine


Prince’s favourite chord trick
The easiest ways to improve your playing.
For Halloween some spooky ukulele sounds and a roundup of spine-chilling songs.
The most iconic strumming patterns

Tabs and chords:
Dave Brubeck’s Take Five: One of my favourite tabs which is lucky because it took me years to get to that stage.
Various songs from Steven Universe and all my Steven Universe tabs here.
ABBA’s Waterloo
Happy Birthday to You finally got released from the fraudulent clutches of Warner/Chappell and I celebrated with chords and two tabs of the tune.
David Beckinham’s superior version of Tiptoe Through the Tulips
A group arrangement of the Ghostbusters theme
Medley of songs from the Back to the Future trilogy
Damien Rice’s 9 Crimes

Year Ten

Release of my most recent ebook with tabs of traditional American tunes: Songs of the States.

The best chord progressions of all time.
Chuck Berry’s Major and Minor Pentatonic Trick.

Tabs and chords:

Tallest Man on Earth – King of Spain (Tab)
Prince’s Purple Rain
– Commemorating Leonard Cohen with Hallelujah and Suzanne.
Pure Imagination in tribute to Gene Wilder.
Norah Jones – Don’t Know Why (Tab)
Radiohead’s Paranoid Android
– After playing Life is Strange the inevitable Max and Chloe Theme (Tab) and Foals – Spanish Sahara (Chords).
The Beach Boys – Good Vibrations (Chords)

R.E.M. – Nightswimming (Chords)

REM – Nightswimming (Chords)

This one has been on the requests list for an age. I don’t know what took me so long. This is one of my favourite REM songs.


Intro: On the G each time:

d u d u – u – – –

Then just down on the next chord.

Everything else: On the Gs play:

d u d u – u d u

Then for the C – D and C – A7 play dudu for each chord.

On the next C strum dud and switch to the G for:

u – u d u

And ending with dudududu on the D.

Together the intro and verse sound like this:


Twiddly Bits

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Here’s my take on the piano riff. The first four bars are the intro. After that it’s the riff that repeats throughout the song. I’ve included a few fretting hand suggestions below the tab.


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Five REM riffs

UkeTube: Gigambitus, Bryan Tolentino

Full Playlist

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