Ukulele Video of the Year 2008: Rod Thomas – Same Old Lines

Rod Thomas – Your Love Is A Tease (Ukulele Version)(MP3)
Uke Hunt exclusive.

A very deserving winner in my opinion: instantly catchy song, fun video, singalong chorus. And it’s easy to play on the ukulele: there are chords for Same Old Lines here.

I got in touch with Rod to ask him a few questions, and not only did he do that, he also recorded a ukulele version of his song Your Love Is A Tease just for us (you”ll be able to get the original versions of Same Old Lines and Your Love Is A Tease on the forthcoming mini-album Until Something Fits).

When and why did you first pick up the ukulele?

I’ve always loved the sound of the ukulele. I’d gone on a little spree of buying slightly twee instruments (glockenspiel, melodiker) for a live set, and then bought a ukulele on ebay. Then I loved playing it so much I bought a better one, and now my uke with a pick up for playing bigger gigs with my band.

How did the sock-puppet/kids’ TV theme of the Same Old Lines video come about?

I’d been talking for ages with a video director who was meant to do ‘You Get Goodbyes‘ but didn’t. I played him ‘Same Old Lines‘ and he got back to me straight away with the kids’ TV show idea, which I loved, so we worked on it together for a few weeks, and then I turned up at the studio to find this amazing set all built and painted, it was amazing!!

Have you ever been told, “It’s not you, it’s me”? And have you ever used it yourself?

I think everyone’s probably used it to some degree. Yes I’ve been told it! Although in the song it’s not about one particular time, more the line as a palm-off in general.

I heard you were supposed to be on the Today Programme talking about making a living as a musician but got bumped. So what advice would you give to someone hoping to make it in the music business?

Yeah I didn’t realise the show got bumped until I saw the other interviewee – Keith Jopling – blog about it. Advice … well not to expect anything to happen very quickly. Work as hard as you possibly can, explore as many avenues as you can for being creative, be resourceful and I guess set yourself a goal and just keep working at it. I’ve been working really hard at this for years now, and set up my own label to put stuff out. It’s taken a long time and a lot of re-working my live set (from solo acoustic, to band, to solo with loop pedal, to loop pedal plus band) to get people to take notice.

How’s the debut album coming along? And how has it been working with Boom Bip?

The debut album is coming along well! First though, there’s a limited run mini album (first 4 singles plus bsides and remixes) out on March 2nd called Until Something Fits while I finish off the debut album proper.

Working with Boom Bip was amazing. He’s an incredible producer and musician, and I’d been following his work for years, so getting chance to spend over a week working with him and swapping ideas was just great. We’re both really happy with the two tracks we did together. I can’t wait to put them out!

What can we expect from you in 2009?

I’ll be doing a little UK tour around the mini-album release, then I’m playing at SXSW in Texas, which I’m so, so excited about. There’s a Welsh theatre tour in May with Devon Sproule and probably a coupe of festivals come summer. And the proper album will be finished. Maybe even a few more ukulele versions if there’s the demand for it… So quite a lot I think!

You can pre-order Until Something Fits here and badger him for more ukulele versions on MySpace and Facebook

Rod Thomas – Same Old Lines

Rod Thomas – Same Old Lines (Chords)

I think this is the fastest turnaround from first listen to post up since FotC’s Mermaids. It’s a fantastic song (and top notch video). A fact that wasn’t lost on the people of class and good taste who read the blog and pummelled me with chord requests. Way ahead of you guys.

There wasn’t enough room to write Asus4add9 all over the place. So wherever you see A49 use 4200. There’s also the A(alt) chord (or Aa). It’s just a plain A chord but I’ve called it that to distinguish it from the more common A chord shape.

Other than that, you’re good to go.

Same Old Lines isn’t out until the end of September, but when it is you’ll be able to buy it on Self Raising Records (the single includes a remix by James Yuill who also remixed this modern ukulele classic).

Until then, you can sign up for his mailing list and get a free track.

Requested by Tom, Cardboardfrog and Ukulelezo.

Poopy Lungstuffing, Rod Thomas, Hailey Wojcik: Uke Videos

I had a nightmare time deciding which video to feature on the front page this week. I couldn’t decide between Rod Thomas’s ukulele pop, the eagerly anticipated – by me at least – return of Hailey Wojcik and Poopy Lungstuffing’s cover of The Kink’s Oh Demon Alcohol (many times better than the pretty terrible original). Read the rest of this entry »

Where Are They Now? Video of the Year Winners

Every time the subject of the ukulele video of the year comes up, regular commentor, Ron Hale enquires as to the status of previous winners. So for him here’s a rundown of what happened to the ukulelists after the career peak of winning the award.

2007 Winner: Molly Lewis (Sweetafton23) – Tom Cruise Crazy

Back then: Bedroom-uker covering Jonathan Coulton.

Since then: As a direct result of this video, she ended up regularly performing and touring with Coulton and buddies like Paul and Storm, and John Hodgman.

She started writing her own songs in a similar comic style. In 2009 she released her debut album I Made You a CD, but I Eated It. And displayed no loyalty whatsoever by mercilessly crushing Paul and Storm, and her label boss Hank Green to win Masters of Song Fu #3.

What’s she done lately? Massively embarrassed Stephen Fry by serenading him in the hopes of having him impregnate her. And last year toured the US with The Doubleclicks.

Keep up to date: on

Learn to play it Tom Cruise Crazy Chords

2008 Winner: Rod Thomas – Same Old Lines

Back then: A cuddly, jumpered ukulele strummer hanging out with sock puppets.

Since then: He’s gone all sexy and started releasing rather excellent disco music under the name Bright Light Bright Light.

What’s he done lately? Last year he released the debut Bright Light Bright Light album Make Me Believe in Hope which made an appearance in many album of the year lists.

Keep up to date: On

Learn to play it Same Old Lines Chords

2009 Winner: U900 – Diamond Head

Back then: Adorable Japanese puppets covering Ventures songs.

Since then: They followed up the Ventures album with a set of Beatles covers. But whilst touring the record 900’s spiralling drug-use caused friction with U and the band split. U travelled to Bhutan and a spent a year’s retreat at the Punakha Dzong monastery. After a disastrous 13-day marriage to Heidi Hippo, 900 vowed to get sober.

What’ve they done lately? After patching up their differences, the band recorded an album of Michael Jackson covers and have returned to playing live.

Keep up to date: Follow them on Facebook.

Learn to play it Diamond Head tab

2010 Winner: Manitoba Hal – Poulet Shack

Back then: Uke-looping Canadian bluser.

Since then: Hal has been touring relentlessly and is a regular fixture at ukulele festivals. He released his follow-up to Huckster, Flirting with Mermaids, in 2010.

What’s he done lately? Hal’s just released the fantastic Devil on the Wall. It’s killer. You should give it a listen.

Keep up to date: On

Learn to play it Poulet Shack tab

2011 Winner: A Banda Mais Bonita – Oracao

Back then: Bunch of Brazilian buddies having a blast.

Since then: They’ve released a self titled debut album (listen and download it here). And an EP Canções Que Vão Morrer no Ar

What’ve they done lately? The band’s ukulelist Rodrigo Lems has been busy releasing his own solo album and playing in the band Naked Girls and Aeroplanes

Keep up to date: Follow them on Facebook.

Learn to play it Oracao chords

35 Things You’re Missing

The amount of ukulele stuff on the net is swelling rapidly. I spend most of my day trying to keep up and I still miss loads. So here’s a list of uke goodies you may have missed because they are nowhere near as popular as they should be. If there’s something you think I should be made aware of, please do leave a comment.

Ten Ukulele Sites That Aren’t in the Top 25 But Should Be

Taken from the Top 50 Ukulele Sites

1. Ukulele Languages

Armelle’s world tour of ukulele is only just outside the top 25. She has a great range of non-English and English language videos alike.

2. Humble Uker Ramblings

You haven’t noticed how often ‘Via Humble Uker’ turns up on the Saturday UkeTube?

3. Play Ukulele by Ear

Jim D’Ville travels the world interviewing ukulelists about their approach to music and provides invaluable information about the most widely used chord progressions.

4. Ukulele Dav
5. Descordes et Dubois

Two French sites with some excellent tabs.

6. The Backwards Ukulele Player

Michael has a real knack for finding great old news stories and pictures.

7. Ukulele Secrets

A relatively new blog from UkuleleTim promising to teach you, “how to play ukulele like a badass.”

8. Ken Middleton
9. Ukulele Bartt

Two ukers offering tabs and playing advice on their sites.

10. Ukulele Brasil

A few years back I’d get emails from Brazilians unable to find a ukulele amongst the cavaquinhos. Good to see that’s changing.

10 Posts Fewer Than 500 People Have Seen This Year

1. Rod Thomas – Same Old Lines
2. Ukulelezo – Optional Accessory

How quickly people forget, eh. Rod Thomas was the 2008 Ukulele Video of the Year and Ukulelezo was the 2008 Bushman Contest Winner.

3. The Fall – Theme From Sparta FC

Let me explain the story of the Fall-feit: I posted I’m Yours, against my better judgment, to stop the cavalcade of requests. Less than two hours after it went live, I was being taken, unconscious, to hospital. Realising I had angered the indie gods, I pledged to do a post on the most indie band there ever was whenever I posted something suspiciously popular.

4. The Elected – At Home (Time Unknown)

I only posted this because I had a bunch of requests and now no one reads it. Typical!

5. Kate Micucci Interview

If you’re ever wondering why I don’t do many interview posts anymore it’s because, no matter how famous the interviewee, no one ever reads them.

6. Shorty Long – Viper Mad
7. Mirah – Take Me Out Riding

Two great songs probably suffering from the fact they a) aren’t very well known and b) don’t have a video on YouTube for me to embed.

8. GUGUG – Get Carter

Plenty of GUGUG in the more popular posts. But not this one.

9. Jack Pepper – Girl of My Dreams

His musical talents were enough to attract Ginger Rogers, but not to attract any views.

10. The Blockheads – A Little Knowledge

The Blockheads without Ian Dury really isn’t the Blockheads.

10 YouTubers with Under 300 Subscribers Who Should Have Thousands

1. KestonCobblersClub

Loveable, tuneful folkies. Top band.

2. lololobotomy (Lila Burns)

Kimya Dawson-style songs with touching and insightful lyrics.

3. DianeRubio
4. SanfordAndSong

Two top-notch instrumentalists.

5. BenMealer

Old-school songs made fresh.

6. Phredd

So much fun your pants will explode.

7. UkesNotDead

Jeremy Kyle-loving star of Uke Hunt Podcast #6

8. NicholasAbersold

Writer of adorable songs.

9. Machitz (Roberto Moritz)
10. Machetista (Roberto Moniz)

Two Madeiran masters of the uke-precussor the machete.

5 Books Amazon Keeps Hidden

Search for ukulele books on Amazon (US) and you won’t find these on the first page.

1. 101 Ukulele Licks by Lil Rev

I wrote a full review here .

2. The Classical Ukulele by John King

Full review here.

3. Famous Solos and Duets for Ukulele by John King

My review here.

4. The Ukulele: A Visual History by Jim Beloff

My review here.

5. Ukulele for Dummies by The World’s Handsomest Ukulele Blogger

It’s not even out yet, so I can’t complain. It’s more favourably placed in the UK store. I wrote all about Ukulele for Dummies here.

Salwa Azar, Ooks of Hazard: UkeTube

You might have already had a sneak preview of this post, but here’s the finished article.

Today’s tube includes Ukulollo with Siwar from Ukuleles for Peace. They’re currently offering a pineapple ukulele for the best ukulele song. You can find out more in this video.

Also featured is Miss Jess. Her fantastic EP, Jammin’ at Jacksons, is now available on iTunes so you have no excuse for not picking up at least a couple of tracks (Philadelphia and Finally Mine are indispensable).

Also up is Salwa Azar, Zooey Deschanel, some blinding bluegrass and plenty more.

I’ve probably missed a bunch of videos while I’ve been away on holibobs so I hope you’ve been following UkeToob.

There’s another video you should be aware of: Eliza Doolittle’s Skinny Genes. Looks like she’s being set up as the English Miley Cyrus.

Read the rest of this entry »

Ukulele Video of the Year: Winners and Runners Up

Each year on the blog I run a contest to find readers’ favourite ukulele video of the year. Here are the winners and other popular entries.

2012 Winner: Sophie Madeleine, Jocelyn Mackenzie & Emily Hope Price – Bei Mir Bist Du Schön

Who? English singer/songwriter teamed up with the lady parts of Pearl and the Beard.

Why is it popular? Good times and awesome Andrews Sisters harmonies.

Want to hear more? Visit and

Read the winners’ interview.

Learn to play it Bei Mir Bist du Schon Chords

2011 Winner: A Banda Mais Bonita – Oracao

Who? Big band of Brazilian buddies.

Why is it popular? Good vibes and an irresistible melody.

Want to hear more? Visit their website.

Read The winners’ interview

Learn to play it Oracao chords

2010 Winner: Manitoba Hal – Poulet Shack

Who? Burly Canadian blues uker.

Why is it popular? Funky blues riffery and fried chicken.

Want to hear more? Listen to Hal’s stuff on Bandcamp.

Read The winners’ interview

Learn to play it Poulet Shack tab

2009 Winner: U900 – Diamond Head

Who? Adorable Japanese knitted pair with a love of the Ventures.

Why is it popular? The characterful pair and wonderful animation proved a big hit amoungst ukulele players and kitch lovers across the net – making a big splash on Boing Boing.

Want to hear more? U900 – Ukulele Ventures

Read their winners’ interview

Learn to play it Diamond Head tab

Read the rest of this entry »

Ukulele Video of the Year 2009: U900 – Diamond Head

The uke community obviously has a big love for woolen puppets. Last year it was Rod Thomas’s sock puppets and this year’s winner is the adorable Japanese duo U900.

It’s a deserving winner and I caught up with U900’s human representative Yosuke Kihara to learn more about them.

What’s the history of U900?

Rabbit U was knocked out by The Ventures guitar sound and wanted to be a guitar hero. But guitars were too big for his body and he had to give up his dream.

Then he started making a trip to find what he wants to be. On its way in Hawaii, he found a ukulele and decided to play this instrument.

After coming back to Japan he’s got a fateful encounter
—- one day in a park of Tokyo he met a guy playing the ukulele
—- it was Bear 900 who also picked up a ukulele for the same reason.

The two guys have got good vibes each other and started a ukulele band U900.

Usagi-no U (Rabbit U)
– Lead vocal & Ukulele
– Character: Cheerful and like to be eye-catchy. Quite indifferent about things but easily moved to tears on the other hand.
– Favorites: latest hit pops (a fan of Beyonce nowadays), carrot juice, dancing, playing tricks.

Kuma-no Kulele (Bear 900)
-Vocal, keyboards & others
-Character: not talkative and looks absent-minded, but well organized in fact.
Good at caring people and making things.
-Favorites: progressive rock & fusion, toast with honey, practicing instruments, taking a nap.

Who is it playing the ukulele on the tracks?

U900 themselves are playing as you see on the video.
(Like other people such as Micky Mouse plays instruments!)

What is it about the Ventures that appeals to you so much?

The Ventures is the first musician who turned us on and lead us to music. But of course we like many of other overseas artists & music.

Your obviously a very talented animator, what’s your background?

I’m a professional illustrator & animator and creating characters and those animations for books, TV programs, etc. And I make video games, too, like this : RIBBIT KING

And of course I make amigurumi (soft toys) by knitting !

Will you be releasing your stuff in the US and Europe? Will we be able to get it on iTunes in the future?

We’d love to introduce U900 and if any one is interested in releasing their album please contact our Japanese label, Pony Canyon.

What can we expect to see and hear from U900 in the future?

U900 has released 2 CDs so far and another album will be out thie year. And new video for Web like YouTube is under planning. I’m pleasing that U900 wins The Ukulele Video Of The Year!

Hope our music will be reached people all over the world.

Visit U900 on MySpace. Buy Ukulele Ventures on Amazon. Find tab for Diamond Head here.

Uke Hunt Retrospective

I do sometimes have it brought home to me that not everyone hangs on every single word I say. Hard to believe, I know. So here are a few things that are popular, good or over-looked that might have slipped by you.

The Most Popular Tabs and Chords

Well, it’s all fairly obvious stuff. Exactly what you’d expect.
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Daft Punk’s Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Wait! What? Yes, Daft Punk is the fourth most visited tab/chord post on the blog. No, I don’t know why.

My Favourite Tabs and Chords

James Bond Theme – I think it’s the best arrangement I’ve done. Other people tend to think it’s…
Baby Elephant Walk – I like this one but it needs some work.
Sophie Madeleine – Take Your Love With Me – Just a brilliant chord progression.
Davy Graham – Angi
Naked As We Came – yeah, it was only yesterday. But I like it.

I Should Have Just Stayed in Bed

I toiled for hours. Deep into the night I sat playing. Sweat dripping from my brow. Blood dripping from my fingers.

Bollocks to you James Earl Jones. Sometimes you build it and no-one comes.

Carl Ray Villaverde’s version of Tears in Heaven
Chopin’s Funeral March
Mara Carlyle’s Baby Bloodheart

The How to Play Ukulele eBooks

I’m reliably informed by proper internet marketing people that I should sell my ukulele ebooks a lot harder than I do. Because most people visiting Uke Hunt would have no idea they existed – I’m sure quite a few regulars might not know – and those that do know they exist might not know that I’m the one who wrote them.

I don’t want to go all hard sell on them, but I will make them a bit more obvious. Because I think they’re really good and I’m proud of them.

The Interviews

Most viewed:

Rod Thomas – this one has been viewed over 10,000 times. I couldn’t be happier to give him any exposure I can – he’s the nicest guy in the world. And I have a man-crush on him.
Kate Micucci – is also very sweet. But I don’t fancy her as much as I do Rod.

My faves:

Gus from GUGUG
Dean ‘Minor Constellations’ Engle and Madeline Ava – Both insanely talented young lyricists. Dean has released a new album which you can download free on Rack & Ruin Records (click the album cover). Madeline’s stuff has disappeared from the interwebs along with CLLCT (*sobs*). After reading about her on here, Dean asked Madeline to marry him. I’m still hoping it’s going to happen – it’d make me the happiest blog-pimp in the world.

Useful Stuff

Slash chords – People are always asking, “how do you play B/C on a ukulele?” or some such. I think part of the problem is that people don’t know what to Google when they have that problem. So if you don’t know what a slash chord is, read the post now.
Blues scale and Pentatonic scale – essential if you ever want to do any improvising and solo shenanigans.
10 Reasons You Need to Buy a New Ukuele – psychologists say that people buy based on emotion then search for logical reasons to justify it. That’s certainly true of a lot of uke purchases.

Some Things Just Don’t Catch On

Me (in August 2007): Hey, here’s an idea. Why don’t I do a post with photos of me making stupid faces? And I’ll have a little test-what-you’ve-learnt bit at the end. Wow, everyone’s going to be really engaged with this post. I should do this all the time.

The Internet: Zero comments.

London Ukulele Festival: Friday Links

The London Uke Festival 2009 will be held on 20th June. They’ll be attempting to break the world record for most ukuleles played at the same time. You can read more about it in this PDF and register on their website.

More festival news: the Milwaukee Ukulele Festival will include Victoria Vox, The Fabulous Heftones, Boulder Acoustic Society and Lil Rev.

Amy Crehore’s Ticker #2 ukulele is revealed. More pictures on Flickr.

Armelle is posting videos of ukulele songs in different languages (and part two is here and part 3 here). If you know of any others let her know.

The tragedy of the T-Rex in t-shirt form.

Ken Middleton has a new job: Official European envoy for Ohana Ukuleles.

Watch the KoAloha Story here – worth signing up to the site for. But skip about the first 1/3 of the main film and go straight to the animation.

Rod Thomas’s award winning song Same Old Lines is now being used in a DFS ad. And Mr Kazookeylele flogs Doritoes.

Trying to win Zooey Deschanel’s heart by building her a ukulele.

‘Ukelele’ spells trouble for Clint Eastwood.

Ukulele Mike sees himself as the Susan Boyle of the ukulele. He also seems to be spamming the hell out of Twitter in the hopes that Perez Hilton and Jessica Alba are fans in the making.


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